Oracle Cards for Business Strategy + Guidance 💰
Starting a business is certainly complicated. There is so much to learn and may of us begin our business dreams as a side hustle until we can develop a following + financial support to grow and expand. I personally have looked for guidance as I have tried to grow my own business and of course, I've received all types of guidance from a variety of sources. However, I wanted to find a way to do a deep dive into my business idea, intention, goals, and steps to take to be successful. I have scoured the internet to identify decks to help with business development and I have chosen a few here that I do think are helpful.
The deck I have chosen here are as follows: Divine Babe Oracle, Divine Feminine Oracle, The Psychic Tarot, The Journey Oracle, and Intuitive Life-Coaching Oracle. These decks combined help to provide a lot of clarity on business development. Let's first dive into each deck and why and how they can help with your business.
The Intuitive Life-Coaching Oracle by Kelly T. Smith.
This deck contains 77 beautifully illustrated cards that offer guidance on daily and emotional challenges, as well roadblocks, strengths, and weaknesses, helping with your personal transformation. These cards guide you through your situation using your own inner guidance and they can help you address your personal and business problems.
Some of the cards in this deck include, but are not limited to:
The Void (Helpful in understanding mindless activities + addictions)
Core Values (What values underly your business?)
Hidden Treasure (Is there an idea inside you need clarity on?)
Wake-Up Call (Are you making poor business decisions impacting your current business?)
Automatic Negative Thoughts (can be helpful with identifying harmful thoughts impacting your business model and practices )
Fear (can be helpful with identifying what's holding you back)
Self-Sabotage (can be helpful with identifying harmful thoughts + practices)
Shooting Star (can be helpful with identifying a good idea!)
Limiting Beliefs (Helpful to identify what business beliefs are holding you back right now)
There are many elements to this deck that can help you get clear on how to improve your current business! I highly recommend this deck, not just for every day life, but to experience business breakthroughs.
The Divine Babe Oracle
This deck is helpful for spiritual boss babes on their entrepreneurial journey. Created by Gia Hamel, these 48 cards offer guidance messages and affirmations that are here to guide you, help you connect to your intuition, to confirm your thoughts about any given situation, and to help you move forward on your business journey!
This deck can assist you with helpful affirmations to change your money mindset and it can help with teaching you how to delegate your tasks, acting on your ideas without fear, teaching you about the spiritual laws of money, identifying changes about to happen in your business, and confirming that money is indeed growing due to a wonderful idea you have pursued.
This deck is a most valuable and necessary companion to growing your business! It is my GO-TO deck whenever I need assistance with addressing my business concerns.
This deck, created by Vrunda Dave, PHD, contains 70 cards, each created for all who want to create success, abundance, and freedom by building a dream business around your passion and purpose. The messages in this deck will answer your most pressing questions about starting, growing, and scaling your business. It also gives you specific action steps to take to build a thriving business! This deck include cards such as:
Collaborate (Find lucrative ways to collaborate with others to build brands)
Go-Live (Build an authentic relationship with your audience by hosting live sessions around your topic on social media)
Sell (Learn the art of sales and embrace selling as a sacred exchange of energy)
Book Clients (Focus on booking your calendar with enough clients to reach your monthly income goal)
Mastermind (Join a community of entrepreneurs who can give you the love, support, and feedback you need)
Prioritize (Narrow your focus. Split energy leads to poor results)
Speak (Take center stage. Speak at events, conferences, and workshops)
These messages will help to guide your next business action. They will support your expansion and keep you focused on the tasks in your business!
The Journey by Allison Filice
While this deck isn't designed to address business strategy and growth per se, it is helpful if you are still trying to figure our business ideas and are encountering block after block!
This deck contains what I find to be helpful messages that can assist you in gaining clarity on your business journey, especially if you are just at the start. Are you not sure where to start? Do you think your idea isn't good? Are you experiencing roadblocks in your mind and can't figure out what is making this experience so difficult? If any of these apply to you, you may want to explore this deck.
The messages are very clear and easy to decipher and the guidebook is jam-packed with inspirational quotes. Some examples contain the following:
The Process
Be Open
The Journey
Limiting Beliefs
You are Enough
Take the Leap
Follow your Bliss
Future Self
The Psychic Tarot Oracle by John Holland
This deck contains 65 beautifully illustrated cards. This deck does follow the traditional structure of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot so if you are familiar with that then this oracle deck will be very familiar. Each card contains a few words to sum up the meaning of the card and they are quite easy to follow. There is something special about this deck; it's eerily accurate regardless of the question asked. I do recommend it for any situation but it is particularly helpful when trying to develop and grow as an entrepreneur. You can use this deck with all of the other decks as either primary cards or as clarifying cards.
Some of the cards include the following:
All Chakra Cards - this is very helpful especially if you have blocks that need to be addressed (these may be impacting your inspirational ideas + growth actions)
Firm Foundation - Build a strong foundation first before going on to the next idea
Prosperity Begins - Finally1 Money will be coming in due to business success
Destiny - This business idea is indeed your destiny
Intuition - Ask your intuition before proceeding
Stand your Ground - Don't change what you are doing, stick to it regardless of what pple are saying
Obstacles and Challenges - Some challenges are coming your way business wise.
Passion Ignited - This idea is from the heart! Go with it.
Trapped in Fear - Your fear about your business failing is taking over. Address your business fears.
Deception and Envy - Are there unsavory business practices or partners?
Conflict and Defeat - Do you feel defeated because of a business rejection?
Fulfillment of Wishes - Your business dreams are coming true.
Choose Wisely -Make sure to choose from your intuition. Are your choices in alignment with your real values?
These are only a few decks, but my personal preferred decks to use when trying to clarify questions about my own business. What is holding me back? What do I need to reassess? What action steps can I take NOW? What risks should I consider? Is my mindset negative? All of these and more can be addressed with the decks listed here. I wish you luck on your business journey.