The Divine Feminine's Path to Seership
I am excited to announce the publication of my new book! This book is about the Feminine Path of Seership. It touches on the destruction of the divine feminine (from a historical and academic perspective) and its modern revival (which includes various spiritual traditions and practices) as well as the divine feminine's path to seership. In this book, I introduce the methodological steps to becoming a modern day seer!

She who walks the path of the divine feminine seer embodies forgiveness as a sacred art, heals with tender love, and empowers souls to awaken to their divine essence.
If you would like a personal signed copy of the book, you can purchase it here! Cost: $23.00 +3.99 shipping. Email me your name, address, and any other details you would like included in the signature message of the book!

Take a Peek Inside...
Connect with Mother Gaia

Connect to your Shadow Self
Travel into Other Worlds
Learn to Read Symbols from Spirit

Learn New Techniques

Meet your Seer Guide
Freebies from the Book:
The Green Goddess Flame
Unconditional Love Healing
The Green Goddess Flame
The Sacred Mirror
Overcoming Blocks

About Me
Author, Podcast Host, Teacher
I am very happy to announce the publication of my oracle deck, the Higher Self Oracle, has been released. The art was created by Deborah Rodriguez; you can find her HERE. The goal of this oracle is to connect you to your Higher Self to answer some of life's most challenging situations and get clarity on your path ahead. More details about the deck can be found here and here. I am beyond grateful to the publisher and artist for making this dream come true! You can order your copy here today! *Available also at Barnes and Noble and Walmart.

New Book - In Process

Awakening the Psychic Self..
I am the author of Awakening the Psychic Self: A Christian Perspective. This book is about my journey as a Christian and follows how I reconciled my intuitive abilities with my Christian upbringing and with Biblical teachings. You can order your copy here: Awakening OR Here: Psychic Self *Available also at Barnes and Noble and Walmart.
Past Podcast Interviews
Podcast Interview: Topic: Lack of Spiritual Diversity | Intuitive WTF Podcast, Ep. 7.
Podcast Interview: Topic: Awakening the Connection to your Spirit Team | Chasing Spirituality Podcast, Ep. 94.
Podcast Interview: Topic: Demystifying Magick: Spirits | A Soulful Rebellion Podcast, Ep. 12.
Podcast Interview: Topic: Stepping out of Restricted Dogma | Embody your Soul Podcast, Ep. 30.
Podcast Interview: Topic: How Religious Trauma can affect your Spiritual Connection | Innerbloom Podcast, Ep. 596
Podcast Interview: Topic: Believe in Yourself | The Path of the Awakened Heart Podcast, Ep. Believe in Yourself
Podcast Interview: Topic: The Divine Feminine's Path to Seership, Ep. 201. I'm Perfectly Divine Podcast.