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Writing my book: Blood, sweat, and tears

I am very happy to announce that I have published my book, Awakening the Psychic Self: A Christian Perspective, which will be released on May 28th. It took me a year to finish writing this book and another 9 months to find a publishing house that would take a chance on me, a no-name. I cannot lie, this is a real challenging process and it takes a lot of work, dedication, perseverance, and faith! I actually finished writing it a few years ago and it's pretty exciting to see it in hard copy form. Since I was a young girl it has been my #1 dream to write books. I came out of the womb knowing that being a writer was one of the many reasons I came to this place. As a young teenager I used to sit in my room and write short mystery novels and take them to school to have my English teacher read them. He would provide some feedback and then I would go home and apply the changes and then start on the next short story!

Obviously as I got older I stopped doing this and had a "reality check" about life and got a job and worked and went to school. I occasionally took writing courses and would present some of my work, but I knew that I had bills to pay, therefore I needed a steady job and decided to stop writing. I have always had it in my mind that I wanted to be a writer for a living, but I did not imagine the type of content I would be writing later in life. It has been a pleasant surprise and I could not be more grateful.

I really had no plans to write this book at all. I was going through some very hard times in my life, job wise and financially, and I was also learning how to manage my intuitive abilities, and deal with a boyfriend who thought I was crazy, and lived in a very dangerous city at the time. But, I kept getting the message that it was time to put pen to paper to get the messages out. I followed my intuition and sat down to write.

I have to be honest, writing can be quite hard and I have people asking me all the time to help them get started, which I don't mind doing. But, you really have to want it. Motivation and dedication are half the battle. Most of us have full time jobs, including myself, and thus find it challenging to come home from work to sit down and write! Which I completely understand, however, that's why the fire is needed. And of course, the discipline. I kept getting the message that God cannot do for you what he cannot do through you. And my dream was really to write this book and I knew that required trust, belief, and discipline. I made a schedule for myself every day and stuck to it and along the way, during the days where I was completely exhausted, I reminded myself why I was writing this and that indeed, God was working through me to make my dreams come true and help others in the process.

Who are we not to make our dreams come true? God already believes in you and knows what you can do. But your job is to believe it too! Many of us experience the darkness of this world, which tells you to submit to the status quo, don't follow your dreams, work yourself into an early grave. However, our job is to rise above the darkness to see the light and the light is the truth about who you are. There is nothing you cannot do. Life, for the most part, really is a case of mind over matter, or shall we say, heart over matter. Yes, it does take work, time, and commitment, but if you believe it and imagine it, then you can create it.

As stated above, I always wanted to be an author. I have been told by some teachers in the past that some of my stories lacked depth, or simply were not creative enough. But I didn't let the opinions of others define my future. Writing this book was hard. I was disorganized at times and really didn't know all the details that would come to comprise the final product. Some chapters I rewrote over 4 or 5 times and that takes real discipline my friends.

While writing this book I lost a lot things in my life that were important to me. My boyfriend at the time left me, I had no money and no place to live. I felt like a complete failure in life, but somehow, I found the courage to keep writing this manuscript and trusted that by some means it would be published. I am telling you this because I realize that for many of you, your ego will outline many reasons as to why you shouldn't follow your dreams. It could be a financial reason, it could be because of relationship problems, it could really be any excuse because your ego is way too sly and would rather keep you chasing something rather than going for it wholeheartedly. Even if things are not the way you would have them today, don't stop going for it. Trust me, if you take the risk, God will help you.

For those of you who are seeking to be a published author, I can tell you that writing a book is definitely a journey. Writing the book is only 1/4 of the battle. The submission process is like writing your book all over again. You will really need to find your second wind to write all of the material you will need to submit in addition to the book itself. I definitely received rejection letters when I submitted this book to countless publishing houses. I expected that because it's part of the process. However, do not give up the good fight. There is a reason for your book and the right people will see it and extend you a contract!


For those who have kindly been following me you are aware of my journey, however, this book details how I actually reconciled my spiritual gifts with my Christian upbringing. It follows me from my childhood, where I was dealing with spirits and going to church, through adulthood when I finally made a leap of faith and worked on my psychic abilities. It details some of my initial struggles and illustrates how I overcame them.

The second half of this book teaches you how to open your gifts and shares the methods that I learned from my guides and from the angelic realm.

I certainly hope this book is interesting, but I really hope that it helps those who are grappling with their faith and their abilities, come to understand that they are not evil, but gifted from on high to you to be of service to humanity.

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