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Into the Lonely Woods Oracle by Lucy Cavendish

Into the Lonely Woods: Blessings and messages for times of solitude and isolation is a 45 card oracle deck by spiritual author and witch, Lucy Cavendish. This deck was created to guide you to the gifts and the beauty and the joys of solitude.

Cavendish states that "if you wan be with yourself when you are alone, without need for distraction, or the anxiety that comes from aloneness, you will meet your true self. You will come to be content, with yourself and your evolution, even as you strive to become and to change."

Dan May is the artist of the deck and a modern narrative painter. His art is reminiscent of the work of Maurice Sendak who created and illustrated, Where the Wild Things Are. While the illustrations feel child-like, the underlying themes and card messages deal with challenges such isolation, loneliness, sadness, shadows, and endings.

Cavendish advocates for solitude and all that is has to offer. She says that being alone takes courage and in solitude we have the capacity to strengthen our minds, to depend on ourselves. The deck is a journey into that pilgrimage. It is also a solace for when the time of being alone feels painful, or when you feel lost or rejected.

Cavendish also explores the ebbs and flows of life, walking the lonesome road of life, and moving on - all critical points we experience on the unpredictable journey of life. She tackles the moments where we find ourselves alone and unable to find ourselves in the world. She also dives deep into the journey of re-finding ourselves after times of sorrow and loss. This deck is very useful for shadow work. While most decks tend to trend on happier themes, this deck invites you to explore the darker parts of life, to enter the areas that we try to avoid because they are uncomfortable. If you are a reader and looking for a deck to address darker themes of shadow work, this would be a wonderful companion.

I have divided the cards into three piles. Take a moment and breathe. Pick a pile to receive an answer from your Higher Self. What is the guidance you are looking for? Do you need direction? Let's look at the card reveal below.

Card One - From the Below to the Above. Message: It is time to shift your gaze from the path below to what is above you, for it is to these higher places you will journey to next. You will always have your feet on the earth. But for now, you must lift your spirits by looking up, and seeing the tops of trees. Learn what lies upon the next mountain, discover the source that is the light that comes from the east at dawn.

Card Two - Your Truth is Powerful. Message: We are told so many lies. We are told that we must be with others and that they must love us for us to be worthy. So we bend, and we twist the self to please the others, showing only glimpses of who we are, in shadows and light. We never fully step out into the light to see who is drawn to the form we most truly are. Start by unbending and deepening the love of your own ways.

Card Three - And Yet, the Path Grows Lighter. Message: At this time, you have company - wise company who shares with you that the lightness of life is worth bringing back, that the heaviness you have cast away has led you to find the most elusive treasures. About you, the world is awakening, and it will be as if you are the first to see its beauty. Drink it in as the hummingbird sips up the nectar. Develop a taste for the sweetness of life, and know that you have travelled far in this life and will travel farther still. You have the energy, the stamina, and the skill to do this.

This deck is beautiful yet haunting. I would recommend journaling with this deck, especially if you are doing shadow work. Journaling your readings can enhance your reading practices and increase your insights. You may discover more nuances, deeper meanings, and develop stronger intuition.

"Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings." - Liz Gilbert.


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