Hi. I'm Deanna. I am an Author, Reiki Master, Podcast Host, and Teacher.
Hi there! I am Deanna. I have my PhD in Anthropology and used to be an archaeologist! My spiritual journey began as an attempt to understand who I am, where I am from, and to identify my soul purpose. During this exploration I found myself reinterpreting long held beliefs about life and our creation. What I found during this exploration is that we are all one, interconnected in truth, and eternal creative beings. More importantly, I discovered that we are never alone and that help is everywhere. This site is dedicated to helping people on their spiritual path. It is my goal to help you heal and reawaken and remember your true identity. While this is an internal journey, it requires the help and support of many. It is my true hope that I may provide the spiritual tools and education needed to aid you during your personal journey.
As a Reiki Healer, I've had the opportunity to volunteer at the Charlotte Maxwell Clinic for a couple of years in Oakland, CA where I performed Reiki on women who were either undergoing breast cancer treatment or in the recovery process. This opportunity was a gift in my life and taught me how to be more loving, giving, and above all else, more compassionate. I am an Usui Reiki Master and Lightarian Reiki Master.
Previous Life: I was a Mayan Archaeologist for 7 years! I worked in Belize researching "upper class" Mayans during the Terminal Classic period- or the end of the Maya in the Three Rivers Region of Belize. Yes, I actually excavated various houses and ceremonial architecture. I even wrote my dissertation on it! I no longer do this work but still know quite a bit about Terminal Classic Mayan culture.
If the light is in your heart, you will find your way home
- Rumi

About Me:
It is important to work with a teacher whose beliefs are in alignment with your own. I was raised as a Christian and subsequently through my own inward journey, transitioned to a metaphysical belief system. I began to hear the voices of my guides as a young child but ignored them for quite a long time out of fear and because of my beliefs as a Christian. It took many years to come to terms with my ability to hear spirits and accept it. By working closely with my guides I was able to further develop my skills and learned to utilize them to help others develop their gifts and heal.
Philosophies and Wisdom Traditions I follow:
1. Hermeticism/Kybalion (informs my belief system)
2. ACIM (informs my beliefs and attitude)
3. Sufism (informs my heart and practice)
4. Goddess Wisdom (teachings from goddess stories + their personal messages of the Divine Feminine).
My current focus is on teaching Psychic Development, Goddess Work, and administering and teaching Reiki to assist others, even myself, with inner healing. I earned my Reiki II certificate in 2016 and am now a Reiki Master as of 2019. I am also a Lightarian Reiki Master.
A few fun facts about me:
1. Sign = Virgo
2. LOVE CANDLES +Flowers
4. LOVE NOTEBOOKS + Books + paper
7. Fav planets = saturn + pluto!
8. Life path = 1
9. Favorite organizations: women for women int'l, unhcr, oxfam, world central kitchen
10. I write fiction books under a pen name!
11. Neville Goddard is amazing for just about everything.
12. I write articles here: https://medium.com/@riddickdm
A You can currently find me here at infinitesupply.org, on my Podcast, Intuitive Awakening, and on my YouTube Channel, All Things Spiritual, for updates, spiritual book reviews, channeled sessions, etc.
Personal Development
Goddess Wisdom
I am in the process of offering a course that will teach you how to connect to the goddess realm for their guidance. This course will teach you how to build relationships with them as either a dedicant, devotee, or priestess. This will be an intensive 3 month online course once available.

Psychic Development
To be psychic is to be of the soul, in your natural state of being. Psychics develop their particular gifts to commune with spirits in an effort to participate in the healing of the collective. I offer a 5 week online coaching course that teaches you how to develop your clairaudience, clairvoyance, and clairsentience, and meet your own guide to further your spiritual growth.

Reiki Healing
I offer 30 minute Distance Reiki sessions and in person (Phoenix Metro Area Only). The word “Reiki” means “mysterious atmosphere, miraculous sign.” It comes from the Japanese words “rei,” meaning universal, and “ki,” meaning life energy. Reiki is an energy healing technique. Mikao Usui developed Usui Reiki Ryoho, the most current form of Reiki, in 1922.
People also refer to Reiki as palm healing or hands-on healing. Reiki aims to help the flow of energy and remove energetic blocks.
