Psychic - "relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws..."

Psychic Development
A FIVE week online course that will transform your experience on this earth plane!

Welcome to a new experience!
I'm glad you're here. This means that you're looking for a new way to connect to the divine. You want to remember who you are and why you are here. You may have been asking about your purpose on this strange earth. What's really going on here in this divine matrix and how can I help?
You're in the RIGHT PLACE....

a little about me
My name is Deanna and I've been teaching Psychic Development for ten years! Phew! Where did the years go? If you were to ask me if I ever thought this would've been my path I would have told you, NO!
But it is....
I want to help you access your INNATE spiritual gifts. We all have them - NO ONE is an exception.
I love seeing people realize their natural abilities.
And my goal is to help you with
10 years of psychic Teaching
Certified Usui Reiki Master
Level IV Lightarian Reiki Practitioner
Certified Psychic Medium
Author, Awakening the Psychic Self
Author, Higher Self Oracle
Podcast Host, Intuitive Awakening
I am very practical and teach that way!
Learn to access your spiritual gifts!
This 5 week ONLINE class includes techniques, methods, and exercises all created to help you access your CLAIRVOYANCE, CLAIRAUDIENCE, and CLAIRSENTIENCE!
This class is NOT all talk....
It includes TIME TESTED METHODS to help you learn and apply the methods you've acquired.
This course includes SAFE meditations, weekly exercises to TEST YOURSELF, guided methods to meet your SPIRIT GUIDES, HIGHER SELF, ANGELS, AND ARCHANGELS, and much more...

Learn How to Give Readings
This course teaches you how to use Clairvoyance and Clairaudience to provide clear readings for yourself and for others!

Build Confidence
With this course, you will build confidence in your own gifts and in your ability to read for others!
There are a few freebies added to this course for your benefit:​
Extra Free Clairaudience exercises ​to practice after the course for YOUR benefit
Extra Free Clairvoyance Exercises to practice after the course for YOUR benefit
Extra Free Yes/No Exercises to teach you how to answer simple questions